Does Drinking Water Help Heartburn?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle - Updated January 25, 2024
Have you ever felt intense heat in your chest region and wondered whether a straightforward glass of water might provide the immediate relief you need? How to get rid of heartburn fast? We are all seeking treatment for Heartburn, which is produced by the reflux of stomach acid into the incorrect stomach region. Can water extinguish the fire?
In this article, we shall explore the mystery of the preferential treatment. Is the beverage you drink daily, which you often overlook, an effective remedy for Heartburn, or is it merely a little contribution among many potential solutions? Join us as we delve into the domain of water, an essential aspect of hydration, and its potential role in mitigating the symptoms of Heartburn.
Heartburn: What Is It?
Acid reflux , a prevalent gastrointestinal ailment, is caused by acid reflux, the regurgitation of acids from the stomach into the esophagus. This illness impacts a significant number of individuals worldwide.
What does heartburn feel like? Heartburn is characterized by a sensation of burning in the chest. Although occasional consumption of spicy foods or late-night indulgences may result in heartburn, it is essential to recognize that repeated occurrences of heartburn may have significant repercussions.

Various uncomplicated remedies might alleviate a disturbed stomach, hence mitigating discomfort. These medications induce a soothing response from being activated by scorching meals or late-night consumption. However, anyone experiencing frequent heartburn should see a healthcare practitioner to address the root causes of the illness and prevent potential complications associated with persistent acid reflux.
GERD Explained
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive ailment. Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when gastric acid regurgitates from the stomach into the esophagus, which carries food. Heartburn is the most common sign of gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD).
Gastritis is a disorder characterized by stomach acid reflux into the esophagus. An opening in the bottom muscle of the esophagus lets food pass into the stomach as it makes its way there. The stomach closes in order to keep food within.
This specific muscle is called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) . If you let your lower esophageal sphincter relax for too long or too often, the acid may build up in your esophagus. The consequence is heartburn, which may be harmful to the individual.

Does Consuming Water Improve Heartburn?
Drinking water may alleviate the signs of heartburn via many mechanisms. Initially, water dilutes gastric acid, mitigating the irritation caused by gastric acid to the esophagus. Consequently, the sensation of burning often linked to heartburn is relieved.
Moreover, water aids in expelling intestinal acid, redirecting it to its proper position inside the stomach. Acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus may cause inflammation and irritation and give rise to heartburn symptoms. Water aids in transporting acids into the stomach, which the body’s inherent digestive mechanisms might potentially neutralize.

Regularly consuming water is crucial for maintaining optimal gut health. Acid reflux disease (GERD) is more likely to occur when there is dehydration and accumulation of stomach acid. Regular water consumption aids in maintaining digestive health, lessening the likelihood of Heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues.
Indeed, water can reduce Heartburn. Nevertheless, it is crucial to remember that not all beverages provide an identical level of relief in mitigating the signs of Heartburn.
Advantages of Drinking Filtered Water
One of the most critical steps in the process is coming to terms with the fact that not all varieties of water are appropriate for relieving heartburn. Pollutants might make the signs of heartburn even more severe if they are present in the water that comes from the tap. The most efficient choice is to travel with water that has been distilled before.
Related: Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?
Filtered water plays a crucial role in removing contaminants and minerals that could trigger symptoms related to heartburn. Acquiring a water filter might have long-term advantages for your health.
Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System: Waterdrop Filter G3P800
The G3P800 has undergone testing conducted by an accredited third-party laboratory, SGS. Using a 9-stage filtering process, this system effectively eliminates PFAS, fluoride, heavy metals (including lead, chromium, arsenic, iron, radium, and calcium), salts like nitrate and chloride, and large particles.
The new LED chip is predicted to eradicate up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. This reverse osmosis water system utilizes state-of-the-art water dispensing technology, resulting in a water-saving rate that is twelve times greater than that of a traditional RO system. The ratio of wastewater consumed to filtered water created is 1:3, with just one cup of wastewater used for each trio of cups of filtered water.
Is Milk Beneficial for Heartburn?
Over time, the idea that milk may treat Heartburn has been reinforced by the comforting notion of milk’s relaxing effects on our bodies. However, it is essential to note that milk does not universally serve as a cure-all for Heartburn. Despite its high vitamin D and calcium content, it is not often practical in alleviating heartburn symptoms.

Surprisingly, whole milk and other high-fat milk often serve as a frequent inducer of heartburn, exacerbating symptoms that have already been shown. While milk is not a cure-all, it is crucial to understand its impact on heartburn to successfully manage symptoms comprehensively.
Heartburn vs Acid Reflux
A valve connecting the stomach to the broken food pipe is one of the most frequent causes of acid reflux, characterized by the stomach acid travelling into the esophagus in the opposite direction. The degradation of this valve enables the upward movement of stomach acid, leading to a range of symptoms and an increased susceptibility to complications.
Due to its corrosive nature, stomach acid irritates the membrane of the esophagus, often resulting in inflammation. This inflammation may manifest as varying levels of unease, ranging from a sensation of burning to more intense pain known as Heartburn. Heartburn is a common word used to describe this kind of pain. Prolonged or frequent acid reflux may contribute to the development of more severe health disorders, such as Barrett’s esophagus or esophagitis.

Home Remedies for Heartburn
Avoid Reclining Immediately After Consuming a Meal.
Recumbent posture after a meal might induce acid reflux and exacerbate heartburn symptoms. To ensure sufficient gastric emptying, it is advisable to refrain from consuming any food within 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Avoid the Temptation to Overindulge or to Eat Hastily.
Consuming a substantial amount of meals in your stomach might exert more strain on the valve responsible for preventing stomach acid from entering your esophagus, especially if done just before going to bed. This raises the possibility that you might get heartburn and acid reflux.
Determine Your Current Weight and Implement Measures to Decrease It.
Being overweight increases the likelihood of developing heartburn and acid reflux because it puts more pressure on the stomach. Adhering to a nutritionally balanced diet and participating in 150 minutes of physical activity every week are the first steps towards attaining and keeping a healthy weight while reducing excess weight.
Put on Loose-fitting Clothes
If you are susceptible to heartburn, it is advisable to wear clothing that is not tight-fitting. Donning constricting attire or an overly tight belt might stress your stomach, exacerbating your discomfort.

Suggestions to Prevent Heartburn
- Garlic, onions, and shallots are all foods that should be avoided because they can create heartburn. Chocolate, despite its sweetness, should also be avoided since it can potentially worsen heartburn symptoms.
- Citrus fruits and tomatoes, particularly products based on tomatoes, should be avoided since they add to the discomfort associated with heartburn.
- It is vital to exercise caution while eating meals that are hot or fatty in order to prevent heartburn from becoming worse.
- When it comes to regulating and reducing the frequency of heartburn, among the most critical variables is making intelligent decisions about the foods you consume and picking appropriate alternatives.
- The digestive tract is made more comfortable due to these acts, and they also help reduce the symptoms linked with heartburn.